Bunker Roy: Learning From A Barefoot Movement

Bizdeki köy enstitülerini andıran Barefoot College'ı kuran Bunker Roy'un anlatımıyla Barefoot Movement. Aslında benim hoşuma giden, bitirişidir. Aşağıda alıntılıyorum.

"I'll just wind up by saying that I think you don't have to look for solutions outside. Look for solutions within. And listen to people. They have the solutions in front of you. They're all over the world. Don't even worry. Don't listen to the World Bank, listen to the people on the ground. They have all the solutions in the world. I'll end with a quotation by Mahatma Gandhi:
'First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win.'
Thank you."


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