
2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Halil Cibran - Ermiş / Kum ve Köpük / Meczup / Kırık Kanatlar

ERMİŞ Bu hep böyledir, sevgi kendi derinliğini bilmez ayrılık vakti gelip çatana kadar. Yokluk korkusu yoksunluğun bizzat kendisi değil midir? Kuyunuz suyla doluyken çekilen susuz kalma korkusu değil midir asıl giderilemez susuzluk? İşte böyle, prangalarından kurtulan özgürlüğünüz, daha büyük bir özgürlüğün prangası olur. İçinizdeki iyiden söz edebilirim, ama kötüden söz edemem. Çünkü kötü, kendi açlığının ve susuzluğunun ıstırabıyla kıvranan iyiden başka nedir ki? Tıpkı bir zincir gibi en zayıf halkanız kadar zayıf olduğunuz söylendi sizlere. Bu sadece yarı hakikattır. Sizler aynı zamanda en güçlü halkanız kadar güçlüsünüz. KUM VE KÖPÜK Uyuyanlar, diyorlar ki bana: "Sen ve içinde yaşadığın şu dünya sonsuz bir denizin sonsuz kıyısında bir kum tanesinden başka bir şey değilsiniz." Ben de düşümde şöyle diyorum onlara: "Sonsuz olan deniz benim; bütün evren gezindiğim şu kıyıda kum tanesinden başka bir şey değil." Hatırlama, bir buluşma biçimidir. Doğal olan içimizdeki ...

Eric Ries - The Lean Startup

Instead of making complex plans that are based on a lot of assumptions, you can make constant adjustments with a steering wheel called the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop. Through this process of steering, we can learn when and if it's time to make a sharp turn called a pivot or whether we should persevere along our current path. Throughout the process of driving, you always have a clear idea of where you're going. We often lose sight of the fact that a startup is not just about a product, a technological breakthrough, or even a brilliant idea. A startup is greater than the sum of its parts; it is an acutely human enterprise. In other words, which of our efforts are value-creating and which are wasteful? This question is at the heart of the lean manufacturing revolution; it is the first question any lean manufacturing adherent is trained to ask. Zero invites imagination, but small numbers invite questions about whether large lumbers will ever materialize. At Toyota, this goes...

Cade Metz - Genius Makers

  Lines I underline from the book: [Geoffrey Hinton] was the great-great-grandson of both George Boole, the nineteenth-century British mathematician and philosopher whose "Boolean logic" would provide the mathematicak foundation for every modern computer, and ... When asked about Rumelhart, Hinton liked to recall the time they were stuck listening to a lecture that held absolutely no interest for either of them. When the lecture ended, as Hinton complained that he had just lost an hour of his life, Rumelhart said he didn't really mind. If he just ignored the lecture, Rumelhart said, he had sixty uninterrepted minutes to think about his own research. For Hinton, this epitomized his long-time collaborator. Hinton liked to say that "old ideas are new" - that scientists should never give up on an idea unless someone had proven it wouldn't work. When anyone asked Feynman to explain the work that won him the Nobel Prize in terms the layperson could understand, he,...